The Beginning of Inbox Zero with Zero Inbox

The Invention of Zero Inbox

It was February 24th, 2022. My friend Banky was visiting from Toronto, and we were supposed to go skiing the next day in Whistler. It was a Thursday, and it started pouring. We were stuck inside, and weren't going to leave for a few hours. So I told Banky about this idea I had. Was there a way to use AI to never have to manage our emails again?

I knew there was a huge problem in the way email was designed. Being an open inbox, anybody can send you messages. Even crazier, the sender can write anything! Making it very difficult to do spam detection. The best spam detectors still don't know what you want. They can detect if a sender is malicious, but not if you don't care about the content.

That night, we sat down and built a simple prototype. Now its been a whole year, and we have a complete Inbox Zero method with Zero Inbox.

Try it out, and get to Inbox Zero in less than a minute with Zero Inbox!

Go to to learn more.